One Piece, Chapter 1073 : Ms. Buckingham Stussy

 Chapter 1073 is start from where previous was ended, the member of CP 0, Stussy bite Kaku on his neck. 

image src: Toei Animation

  In the begin of this chapter, Lucci asked Stussy what are you doing now and try to hit her but Stussy dodged his attack and bite her. Stussy says to him that I understood when you do not understand anything then you raise your hand to kill people, Lucci-san. Lucci says that I will kill you bastard.

image src: Toei Animation

  Stussy says I know you guys are very powerful and I can never win against you in a face to face fight that is why I attacked from behind. Zoro and Usopp are seeing all this from their ship and say "what the hell is happening here?!!, why the members of CP 0 fighting among themselves?"

image src: Toei Animation

 Zoro says that it seems that a friendly fight is going on. We then see Stussy saying on the transponder snail that she has put Lucci and other members of CP 0 to sleep. On the other side Saka ( a satellite of Dr. Vegapunk) was happy and said that you fix our problem.


image src: One Piece manga, Eiichiro Oda 

Nami and others are shocked after learning this. Usopp says "what’s going on and Nami thinks she can beat Lucci just like that?". To which Saka says that "We defeated him with a surprise attack and kept Stussy’s loyalty to Vegapunk a secret even when she spent 20 years as an agent of CP 0".

Usopp then exclaims "You had a role in the intelligence branch of world government". Saka tells him that he had no such intention, but for now he has no other option. Stussy informs Saka that she has the same authority as Lucci to command the Seraphim, she cannot command them from above.

image src: Toei Animation

Lilth ( another satellite of Dr. Vegapunk) enters the scene and says "You have done plenty, now we are in our way". 

We see on the other side Zoro and Brook running to stop seraphim. Zoro says to Brook, "We have to stop these seraphims before they destroy everything". Brook here becomes perplexed by all this and says "I have a strange feeling of having seen these kids before?".  Zoro tells him, "I can understand, I too have seen one of  these brats before".

image src: One Piece manga, Eiichiro Oda 

We see Seraphims attacking the lab and Lilith just about to collapse. As Lilith comes out and is about to give the command, she sees Seraphim Mihawk attacking her. Seraphim Mihawk already sets his target on her but Roronoa Zoro appears from the front and stops seraphim Mihawk's attack. Zoro says to seraphim Mihawk, "Now that I'm able to see you up close, it seems that you still have humanity left in you but what exactly are you anyway?". 

In the next panel we see that Seraphim Mihawk throw Zoro away. But Zoro's distraction works and Lilth commands all the seraphims to stop and all of them stop attacking. But while giving the command, even one last blast is done by seraphim and Lilth gets upset seeing that Edison may have been hurt. Just then Sanji lands there and asks Lilth, "Are you looking for this toy?" and he that's how he saves Edison. 

image src: Toei Animation

In the next panel we see that Luffy who was looking for Booney and Dr. Vegapunk and shouting, "Vegapunk we can’t go without you!!". 

image src: Toei Animation

After all this, an unexpected event occurs, Stella (the main body of Dr. Vegapunk) was vanished. 

In the next panel we go to Sphinx Island. We see that Marco comes back from Wano to this place. He sees all the kids are scared because the marines attacked them in his absence. Marco apologizes to them and admits in a saddened tone that he did not want to go but he had to and the situation turned out like this. All the kids assure him that it was not his fault, it was the marines who did wrong, they came to this island to find whitebeard's treasure just like other pirates. 

image src: Toei Animation

We are then shown a flashback to when the Marines are invading Sphinx Island, showing them saying that "The island is not affiliated with the world government, so no one has legal human rights, Whitebeard must have hidden his treasure here, and you If you don't tell us, we'll think you're betraying the world government". On which the people angrily say, "We know that we do not give money to the government, that's why you people are attacking us, you guys are huge monsters!!" Marines then threaten them not to talk in such arrogance especially when Marco is not there. 

image src: Toei Animation

In the next panel, we see Edward Weevil (son of Late Whitebeard) who used the Whitebeard’s weapon and finished all the marines who were attacking them. 

In the present kids are telling Marco that "Had the Big guy not show up here, then our village would've definitely been destroyed". Meanwhile, Weevil's mother comes there and says that the story does not end here, the Marines would not given up so easily. She asks Marco, "You know whom he had sent here?" and replies ,"Admiral Greenbull!!". She further tells him, "He took Weevil away without a fight". She then asks him, "Whatever you do, return my son to me. And if you are doing this much, then you also ought to give us Whitebeard's treasure." 

image src: Toei Animation

Later, it is revealed that weevil's mother was none other than a member of the Rocks pirates and her name is Buckingham Stussy. Stussy tells Marco, "He was taken to prison because he was saving his father's house". And she further asks him, "Don't you think that this is wrong what happened to my son?". 

To which Marco says, "I can understand that wrong happened with him. And I am thankful to him for this work". Stussy tells him,"I think you still do not think that Weevil is Whitebeard's son". She further says,"I know a person who can prove this, Dr. Vegapunk!!". 

image src: Toei Animation

In the next panel, we see Admiral Kizaru carrying snacks for his guests in a marine ship not far from Egghead Island. And he asks his junior officers whether they carried out the poison test on the snacks or not. The officers rply to him saying "yes we have done it". Then Admiral himself takes snacks for his guest. In the next panel we see Admiral Kizaru with his guest . And he asks, "have you ever meet with Dr. Vegapunk?" To which the guest says," yes, I have met him a long time ago. But what is happening now is very shameful."

 image src: Toei Animation

The guest here is none other than one of the 5 Elders of the Highest Authority of the World Government , Saint Saturn.

Source: One Piece Manga, Eiichiro Oda

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